Friday, June 24, 2022

"It's Not For Lack Of Bread, Like The Grateful Dead, Daaaaaaaaaaaaarllllllllliiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnng!"

                                      Another cast member of "HAIR" has passed on.  The big surprise is that James Rado, who co-wrote the show, and originated the lead role of Claude, was ninety when he died, three days ago.   That means he was well overaged--late 30's--when he did a show which was a paen to a generation then still in their twenties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Interesting to note--he was born on January 23, 1932, under the sign of...can you believe it? --Aquarius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I remember the first time I saw "HAIR," a poorly mounted revival in the Summer of 1977.  An actress whose name I will never forget, named Soni Moreno, ruined the song "Frank Mills," because she was wrong, casting wise, and had not the plaintive voice for it.  Annie Golden and Ellen Foley were the only real things on that stage.  As for the nude scene, I understand how groundbreaking it was then, but I actually expected everyone to stand, with the stage fully lit.  Now, I think that is done, today.  When I last saw "HAIR" in 2009, wherein Allison Case did the best "Frank Mills" since Shelley Plimpton, the nudity was more open.  But in 1977, my expectations were too high.

                                             How sad to lose another "HAIR" original cast member.

                                              Take comfort, darlings--Shelley Plimpton is still alive, at 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He was Ninety?!!
    What a long, productive life!!
    Which song shall I sing first?!!

  2. Victoria,
    Since we are talking about James Rado,
    I would say the title song.
