Friday, June 24, 2022

The "Funny Girl" Saga Begins To Culminate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Before I start, today happens to be Beanie Feldstein's birthday.  Happy Birthday, Beanie, and congrats on your engagement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          That said--

                                          From the moment her casting was announced, I knew Beanie was wrong for this show. And when I saw the results for myself, on April 2, I knew what she was going to be in for, and I was not wrong.  But did you know, darlings--AHA!!!!!!--that Beanie's father, producer Richard Feldstein, put some money into the show, ensuring that his plump little dumpling would get the part she says she has always dreamt of????????????

                                             Which is bullshit, because, if this really was her dream, she would not let anything stop it.  Not bad press, not being ignored by the TONYS, not even her engagement to Bonnie Chance Roberts?  Who, you ask?  Does it matter?

                                                 Now, Beanie is feeding us all this crap about how ten years from now, she just wants to be a housewife in New York, living with her spouse, and a baby!  Oh, for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can't this woman finish anything?  That she is reneging on what was once a year's contract is bad enough, but makes me suspicious, how cemented will this relationship be?  Fame is said to be fickle, but I think Beanie is fickler than fame.  Time will tell.

                                                      Nevertheless, have a fabulous birthday, Beanie!  And till "Funny Girl" ultimately closes--which may be sooner than later--the saga will continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Beanie longs to be a housewife in New York?!!
    Yeah, I don’t see that happening...

  2. Victoria,
    At this point, I am not sure Beanie
    knows what she wants. Except that Daddy
    or someone can get it for her.

  3. Oh no, not another Poor Little Rich Girl!!

  4. Victoria,

    Are you surprised? I really am not.
    Beanie has limited talent. The trouble
    was she felt entitled to step out of it.
