Friday, June 24, 2022

Tomorrow Night, Darlings, Svengoolie Is Showing The Perfect Film On The Eve Of Gay Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Yes, he has shown this before, but it is always such fun, and we get to see a shot of Cucumbo, which will please him, now a resident of our home.

                                                    But, really, this film has so much homosexual subtext it is a wonder SCOTUS does not ban Svengoolie from showing it.  God forbid, that time may be coming.

                                                     Robert H. Harris, better known as Henry Bellows in 1967's "Valley Of The Dolls," plays deranged makeup artist Pete Drumond, who has a sadomasochistic relationship with his assistant, Rivero, played by Paul Brinegar.  Meanwhile, Pete has the hots for Gary Conway, (Who was originally in "I Was A Teenage Frankenstein.") and Gary Clarke as Larry Drake, who filled in when Michael Landon's ego started getting big, and he refused to reprise his 'Teenage Werewolf' role.  There is a big surprise at the end, which I won't reveal to those who have not seen it.  And note the influence of 1953's "House Of Wax" on this film.

                                                            Veteran character actor Malcom Atterbury is in this, and the film is noticeable for very few women.  I mean, really?????????????  An AIP film??????????????

                                                         But, really girls, outside of 1957's "Blood Of Dracula," with its lesbian subtext, or 1981's "Blood Beach" where the underground monster bites off a man's penis, I don't think there's a gayer film that could be shown.  What an excellent choice Svengoolie made.

                                                            I do not know if "Sventoonie" is up to anything tomorrow, but I hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Meanwhile, see all you girls, tomorrow at 8PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. “see the Ghastly Ghouls in FLAMING Color!!!”

  2. Victoria,
    The color sequence at the end
    is the best. And features my
    favorite AIP creation--Cucumbo!
