Friday, June 24, 2022

I Think The Time Has Come For Me To Reread Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      Roth foresaw a lot of this in his hypothetical narrative of what might happen had Charles Lindbergh become President Of The United States.  The details of what actually happen in this context elude me, as it has been years since I picked up the novel.  But now, with the SCOTUS overturning Roe V. Wade, this is just the beginning of the end of freedom for individuals who do not embrace a White, heterosexual Christian (which is a joke!) and 1950's view of America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         That's right, darlings, this is just the beginning.  And I will not stop using my words here to fight!

                                           To answer the question in the picture--the reason men get to decide is because of their dicks.  Men like Brent Kavanaugh and such put premium on their dicks and their cars, above all else.  Nothing else matters, because their brains don't extend beyond these.  I want to see these smirking Judases--including Amy Coney Barrett and that Mitch McConnell--penalized or castrated.  And if any of you ID redneck yokels try to justify sodomizing your mother in a backwoods shack, and having a child by her, you are dumber than I thought.  But why should I be surprised?  Just look at the mess on January 6, 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Like Gloria Steinem once said, "Honey, if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."  And not so many kids born.  I maintain that at some point beyond our lifetimes man will evolve to being able to conceive and carry a child.  Will that make women the masters?  And how would that play out?  I would love to stick around and find out, because this is just what those on SCOTUS are afraid of.  As for Amy Coney Barrett and her like, don't you realize how you are debasing yourselves, by writhing before your men and their dicks, as Miriam did before the golden calf????????????  You damn well care about yourselves, but not about the others too ignorant to avoid conception altogether, and who have no business bringing potentially damaged children into this world, whether through biology or their own inexperience and ignorance.  Not to mention lack of finances.  So back we go to the garages, alleys, and knitting needles.

                                                I want everyone on here, no matter what side, to go on YouTube, and watch the "1952" segment of 1996's "If These Walls Could Talk," wherein Demi Moore does the only real acting she has ever done.  Good for her.  See how nightmarish this is.

                                                 And then try and tell me and others today' decision was justified!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Just when you think it can’t get any worse...

  2. Victoria,
    Really! I cannot tell you how
    terrified I am for David and I to
    ride the subway now!

  3. I never saw “If these walls Could Talk”
    I did see “Love with the proper stranger”

  4. Victoria,
    I have always wanted to see that.
    Natalie Wood was Oscar nominated for it.
    What is it about?

  5. Natalie Wood gets pregnant and Steve McQueen takes her to get an abortion but has second thoughts when he sees the unsanitary conditions
    He is willing to marry her but Natalie says No Thanks!!

  6. Victoria,
    This was pretty heady stuff
    for 1963. So, does the ending
    suggest Natalie will keep the
    baby or find a better place to
    abort? Thanks for the summary.
    Now, I have to see this.

  7. Hmm I think in the end he wins her over with some grand romantic gesture

  8. Victoria,
    Well, it is Hollywood!
    I have a friend who years ago had
    an AB, and the guy who got her that
    way hadn't the decency to go with
    her--she had to face it alone.
    No grand romantic gestures there!

    But in the end things triumphed.
    I went to her wedding, and she and her
    husband have been married well over a decade!

  9. So thankful she survived and Thrived!!
    An inspiration to us all!
