Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Joey Chestnut Is Training This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Yes, darlings, it is that time, again!  In just five days, Coney Island will stage its Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest, on July 4.  Current champ Joey Chestnut wants to keep that label, so it is safe to say he is training, even as we speak.

                                                     And, while we speak, gastroenterologists across the tri-state area are licking their chops, over who is going to make money from this potential patient.    Because let me tell you, girls, champion or not, Joey, when older is sure to have serious GI problems.  I wouldn't want that for anything.  I may have had high school issues over not making National Honor Society, but I surely would not compensate by a cheesy contest that can only succeed in ruining my health.

                                                       Sure, Joey is free to do as he chooses. And yes, I am cheering for his continued success on July 4.  But somewhere down the line, his health will face consequences.  And I hope he is prepared for that, emotionally and financially.

                                                           Meanwhile, bite it, Joey!  On July 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. See, to US, jeopardizing one’s health is not worth It for Any amount of financial gain, notoriety, or thrill.
    But, people think differently.
    It always amazes me how Differently other people live their lives...

  2. Victoria,
    I wonder, when the health
    problems come, if he will look back
    on all this, wondering if it was worth it.
