Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Remember The "Seinfeld" Episode About The Muffin Tops? How About A Package Of Nothing But Bread Loaf Ends??????????????

When I was working, and ate flagrantly, probably out of some form of stress, there was a coffee shop/deli up the street, to which I would retreat each day on my break, where I would have with the coffee, a richly delicious chocolate chip muffin.  Every weekday.  I would peel off the top, and slowly eat it, wishing there was more to it, as I slowly picked out the chips individually.  It was so luscious! I did eat the cake part of the muffin, which was fine, but if the whole thing could have been tops, I would have been more than satisfied.

Now, I feel the same way about bread loaf ends.  They are the best part of the loaf, and I wish someone would come up with selling a package of nothing but these.  It feels like one gets more, because of the extra crust, and it tastes so good.  Simple pleasures in these simple times, darlings!

So, write to Arnold, Pepperidge Farm, or whomever you prefer, girls, and request this.

I bet it is even healthier for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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