Tuesday, June 14, 2022

This Is The True Beanie Feldstein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        No word yet on her returning to "Funny Girl," and this photo gives as good an example of her petulance as any I can think.  Which is what she is doing right now, while the creative staff is probably going crazy about keeping the show and other cast members afloat against this Beanie Debacle.

                                          Again, the producers and director, Michael Mayer, have no one to blame, but themselves. If I were Beanie, I would get while some kind of a career can be salvaged. But now, she has this inner conviction that she is the new BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Girls, all gay men--and some women--have their Inner BARBRA.  But that does not mean we are she!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 And that would include me, darlings!  Though I am, really, the Last Of The Belters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hello michael and david i just read online that the bean is expected to return tomorrow to the show and come september 25 herself and jane lynch are leaving the show ramin is staying and im just curious mr jackman and the music man won nothing he seemed very healthy sunday night on stage and in his seat but come monday he has covid maybe he got it from the bean you too take care happy pride norman

  2. Norman,
    I just read all the coverage.
    Jane, they say, always intended to leave
    in September, but not Beanie. Bet they will
    have to buy out her contract, which was for
    a year. As for Hugh Jackman, we are seeing
    his show on July 7, and hope all are there.
    Happy Pride to you and everyone in Jersey!
