Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Take A Good Look, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These Are What White Supremacists Look Like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    These are members of a group called Patriot Front.  Yeah, right!  As you can see, they can look like anyone, though slightly trashy.  They can be your neighbors, our neighbors, or even relatives.  I have some of the last I often wonder about.

                                       They were stopped planning a riot last weekend at a Pride Event in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  Which is a warning to all cities this Pride Month--beware!  As a proud gay New Yorker, times being what they are, I wouldn't be caught seen at the Pride Event in Manhattan on June 26.  I am not even sure of setting foot in the city, during Pride Week.

                                           Of course, groups like this will argue about our so-called freedom.  Well, what about everyone else's, darlings?   Freedom does not belong exclusively to the likes of you.  And do not confuse mental illness with philosophical irrationality.  Going down that slope will seriously damage the fabric of the law, and will give groups like these wider margins.

                                             Maybe I am letting fear rule my life too much.  But until such fascistic actions are stopped, not tolerated by higher ups in Washington, the panic will spread.  Let's face it, the justice system is a whole load of crap. "Tell the truth, and nothing but.." nobody gives a crap about who does what to whom.  I prefer to avoid the crap altogether, assuring that groups like these don't walk the streets.  I realize how this may sound, but I have come to the conclusion that only by fighting these folk
on their terms, can they avoid walking away, due to our flawed justice system.  I am glad the FBI and others intervened, but what about next time?  What about Buffalo? Uvalde?  When does it stop?

                                                  Don't allow your/our freedom to be taken away by groups like these, or anti-maskers and vaxers.  The whole world is in some kind of transition now, and unless more people get on board, the results we want will not satisfy those who care.  Only the ones who don't.

                                                      Stop all this NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. “Patriot Front” is an FBI psyop. If you look at the photos or the released video, notice that the police, or Feds, allow the men to remain masked and are allowed to keep their backpacks. They are unloaded and then reloaded into the back of a U-Haul truck. This is the phoniest fake arrest psyop imaginable. It really isn’t even believable. We have such a “White Supremacy “ problem that the Feds have to concoct and “foil” their own plots. (Whitmer, Jan. 6). Wake up people!

  2. Sugardust,
    You are right; we do have a White Supremacy
    problem. I am with you, on that. The rest
    of your comments seem to contradict that, suggesting
    you are with them. So, I cannot believe most of
    what you say on here. I think there are people aware
    of the problem, but too many who aren't. These latter
    are the ones who you say need to "wake up!"
