Friday, July 8, 2022

Girls, Tomorrow Night, It's "The Deadly Mantis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                     Darlings, I am sorry, but I have GOT to talk about the poster!  Isn't this one of the greatest ever seen?  Those ominous words--"This Was The Day That Engulfed The World In Terror."  I am telling you; the Universal publicity department must have had a field day with this one, going all out.  I really think it is one of their best.

                                                         Veterans Craig Stevens and William Hopper are on hand, with the femme lead played by Alix Talton, who only makes evident they could not get Mara Corday or Faith Domergue, as she channels both throughout.  This is a camp fest, and I have found out how the special effects were done and let me tell you, they are cheesy.  I will share this with you during our post film discussion, when we will know then what "Sventoonie" is planning to deconstruct.

                                                             As stated before, due to plans, David and I cannot watch this in real time.  But don't let yourselves get stopped from missing this cherished camp classic.  I have been hoping they would show this for weeks.

                                                               Some things are waiting for, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "See you Saturday night, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. This is indeed one of the Best classic horror movie posters of all time!!

  2. michael come on now all social media is burning up was beanie thrown out thats why shes leaving early why is jane lynch leaving early is she fed up with all the mess going on orthey wanted to present both new leads at once and how will lea do she wanted 2 days off a week they gave her thursday i fugure further in the run she will get the other day off come on and blog about it take care hi david norman

  3. Victoria,

    Isn't it? I would love a copy for our wall.

  4. Norman,
    I had a doctor appt. yesterday.
    Stay tuned, it is coming up.
    Hi to you and Joe.
