Friday, July 8, 2022

How The Hell Does One Play Connect Four???????????????????????????

                                      Forget video games, girls, I cannot begin to understand them.  I am from the generation of board games--I had them all, save "Pirate And Traveler," and "Game Of The States."

                                       Those still around draw me in with their colors.  So, how about Connect Four?  I love the look, and the colors, but what the hell is it?  It reminds me of a computer toy I had years ago called Think-A-Dot, where you dropped marbles into slots to change blue to yellow, and vice versa, in some kind of pre-techno Tik Tak Toe.

                                          This game seems to take things to the next level.  Is it Tik Tak Toe, Checkers, Chess, or what?  Has anyone played this?  Owned it?  Can anyone explain?  Like the line from "Frank Mills" goes, "I would gratefully appreciate it...."

                                           I know this one is still out there.  So, it must have something going for it.

                                            Is this for math majors only?????????????????


  1. I own it, I played it with my kids, and now I play it with my grandkids!
    We play all those old games; candyland, chutes&ladders, Chinese checkers, hopscotch, marbles, jacks, string fingers, hopscotch, cross the Delaware, red rover, red light green light, Dutch blitz, Pit, Uno, skip-bo, and so on!!

  2. Victoria,
    What is UNO? I have heard of it,
    but never played it.
