Friday, July 8, 2022

Here Is What My Re-Reading "Of Human Bondage" Will Look Like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          That's me, on the far right, with the most fabulous period gown, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  To re-read something like "Of Human Bondage" is to step back into another time and spend a lot of it there.  So, I am still debating whether I should take this on, or not, though some unknown force is compelling me to.  And literary compulsions usually lead me into a good direction.

                                             Or maybe I just want the period, and that gown!  Hell, it's a lot better than slatternly Mildred's seedy wardrobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, why is she the novel's most interesting character?  Maybe because of Bette Davis?????????????????

                                                 However things turn out, I will let you know what I decide!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    I am going to try it, and see
    how far I get. If it is too much,
    I will stop and save it as a winter read.
