Sunday, July 31, 2022

Seven Months Down, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This July will always be remembered for having seen "The Music Man" onstage, at the Winter Garden.  It will also be recalled as when I challenged myself by re-reading W. Somerset Maugham's masterwork, "Of Human Bondage," which gave me a chance to wallow--Why did I need to? --in a big, depressing book.

                                           Yes, there were fireworks on Independence Day.  Also, a dear friend of ours lost his mother, and we are all sad about that, and concerned for him.

                                               Today, Broadway says bye bye to Beanie in "Funny Girl," and the entire production of "COMPANY."  The last is a loss, the first a blessing.  We have tickets to see Julie in August, and cannot wait, and are curious to see what happens when Lea and Tovah step in.  Miss Lea had better watch herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   July gave us our first real heat wave, and it was scorching.

                                                    And I had some time with Dexter yesterday.

                                                     So, that was July.  Hot, fun, and cool--at least inside.  Just the way we like.

                                                       Next time I post, it will be August, which promises lots of drama, and which I have always had ambivalent feelings about since childhood, because the next month is always September, which means the year is slowly winding down, and I forever associate it with Back To School.

                                                          Wish us luck in August, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wishing you luck, love, blessings, prosperity, health, hope, energy, beauty, laughter, music, good food, and good books!!!


  2. Victoria,
    Thank you so much. This means a lot to me,
    especially with what is coming in August.
