Monday, August 1, 2022

It Is August, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe It????????????????????

                                    I wanted to go with a Victorian style, girls, but, really, this season, even in Victoriana, radiates heat, so when I saw this image of coffee, I thought, what could be safer and more reassuring, considering my ambivalence about this month?

                                       For starters, the 12th marks the 30 years plus anniversary of the suicide of a friend and former co-worker.  That date always haunts me.  Seven days later, on the 19th, my David is having hernia surgery, and, of course, I am freaking out!

                                         But we have a barbecue to look forward to this Sunday, and on the 27th, we are scheduled to see Julie Benko in "Funny Girl," which I cannot wait to see, especially after Beanie.  Though, if you look on You Tube, they did give her a nice, gracious illusion preserving sendoff.

                                          So, August is a mixed bag.  I have to keep up my summer reading; of course, the closer we get to the 19t the more my anxiety will rise, and maybe on that day I will need to take an extra klonopin, or maybe several.  Maybe I should be put out, too, until David's procedure is over.

                                              Welcome August--said to be the month of Caesar--and wish us luck, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is the right attitude.
    Focus on the highlights.
    Easier said than done sometimes!!

  2. Victoira,

    How true, but I am trying to stay
    in the positive.
