Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Darlings, Can You Believe How August Has Flown By???????????????????????

                                                    And with it, comes time to say farewell to Summer.  The fastest passing season, whether in school or not.  This weekend is Labor Day Weekend, and Labor Day marks the unofficial end of Summer.  When I was growing up, in Highland Park, New Jersey, we always went back to school the Wednesday after Labor Day.  I wonder if that still holds.

                                                        The best news I can give about August is that David safely and wonderfully came through his bi-lateral hernia surgery, which was two weeks ago this Friday.  A lot of people we knew celebrated birthdays; I think I send more cards out in August than any other month.

                                                           The other thing we did is see "Funny Girl," with Julie Benko.  There will be a separate post for this; for now, just let me say Julie was triumphant.  Completely believable, in both singing and acting, as Fanny Brice, and her vocals could bounce off the back wall. Amazing!

                                                               We also had fun with Svengoolie.  My favorite film this month was "Horror Of Dracula," while "The Land Unknown" was just plain ridiculous, but in a fun way.  And I have some upcoming news about the new season, in another post.

                                                                 August is a month I have an ambivalent relationship with.  The days are getting noticeably shorter, a magical time is ending, and then we head into what I call the"ber" months, which winds the year down fast.  Two thirds of the way through today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   Like Judy Collins sings, "Who Knows Where The Time Goes?"

                                                                   See you in September, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Looking forward to hearing all about JULIE!!!

  2. and i share your bittersweet emotions about this time of year.
    I SO want to be positive, content, peaceful, Thankful...
    Just seems like the older one gets the more there is to be uneasy about!!!

  3. Victoria,

    You are right about age and uneasiness.
    I never thought it would be this way.

  4. Victoria,

    I promise to post on Julie ASAP!
