Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Never Pass Up The Chance, When Presented, To Thank Someone! You May Not Get A Second Chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Believe it or not, darlings, my 50th anniversary high school reunion is approaching--June 3, 2023--and I cannot believe it.  The man pictured above was a member of that class.  Through a confluence of circumstances, I found out that Jonathan Weinstein, pictured, had recently passed, on August 6, after a long battle with cancer.  He was my age--67.

                                                 I last saw him at the 25th reunion, in 1998, and wanted to say thank you then.  When the 50th was announced, I was hoping he would turn up, so I could say thank you.

                                                    For what?  I will tell you.

                                                   Eighth grade was my worst year, both academically and socially.  I was never proficient in math or science, but I was always able to hold my own.  Until that year.  As my grades declined, I recall approaching Mr. Frankowsky--who was more approachable than my math teacher, Mr. Barber--to see what I could do to raise my grades.  He guessed math was related to my problems, so he proposed I work with someone on a tutoring basis.  He picked Jonathan, asked if we would be willing to work with each other, and both of us said yes.

                                                      Jonathan was great to work with, and I actually enjoyed our sessions.  Alas, I was also very prideful, and, while it helped, I also felt humiliated.  Consider the age I was--thirteen or fourteen!  So, after a time, I just stopped going.  I had no issues with Jonathan, nor he with me.  But over the years I realized what a great opportunity I had been given, and I regretted passing it up, after a time.

                                                         I also promised, at the right time, I would thank Jonathan.

                                                         I was so sad to hear of his passing, and sad I could now not thank him in person.  So, this post will have to do.

                                                           Thank you, Jonathan.  I wish we could have known each other better.  Your passing is sad, but a very real reminder not to pass up opportunities when given.

                                                               My sympathy to Jonathan and his family.

                                                                Rest In Peace, Jonathan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thank you for the reminder!
    Try not to be too hard on yourself.

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you so much for your support!
