Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Why Do I Want To Be An Orphan In "Annie????????????????????????????"

                                        Well, for starters, look at that pose!  What classic form!

                                         These are the Original "Annie" orphans, back in 1977, from left to right--Diana Barrows, Robyn Finn, Donna Graham, Danielle Brisebois, Shelley Bruce, and Janine Ruane.

                                            Girls, with gender fluidity quite the thing, why shouldn't I want to be an orphan in "Annie?????????"    I especially want to be Diana Barrows, as Tessie, on the far left, because she introduces the song I have been singing lately, one of my favorites in the show, which is "You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile."  This number has everything, and when I saw it in 1977, I knew it could not be topped.  Save for a production which a coworker years back was in, I have never seen any other production of "Annie" since.  Not many folks I know have children, so the prospect of my seeing the show again is just about nil.

                                                Unless I can audition for a production as either Tessie, or Bert Healy, who hosts "The Oxydent Hour Of Smiles," and sings the song first.

                                                 Who knows, girls?  As the show says, there is always...."Tomorrow!!!!"


  1. You’d be a Fabulous orphan!!
    I’m singing the song!!!

  2. Victoria,

    It is a great score, and a great song.
    I am ready to go on any time.
