Sunday, August 21, 2022

Did You Know There Are Two Alexandra Cabots, Darlings??????????????????????????

Everyone knows Stephanie March from "Law And Order SVU," and well we should.  When in heaven's name are they going to bring back Stephanie?  Something is needed to liven up this show, to compensate for doggie downer Olivia!

Now, in the Archie comics universe, and before the Pussycats, there was Josie.  She was sort of the male counterpart of Archie, with red hair, and her friends Melody and Pepper, the short haired, bespectacled one.  Lesbian?  Could be.

Everyone had a counterpart to someone in the Archie comics.  In the Josie universe, there was the Cabot family, who, like the Lodges in Archie's world, were wealthy.  Veronica was the wealthy Lodge, but the Cabots had fraternal twins, Alexander and Alexandra.

Now, Josie had a boyfriend named Albert, not wealthy, who always seemed to have a guitar in a case slung over his shoulder.  He was the counterpart of Archie in the Josie universe, and Alexander was his nemesis, just like Reggie Van Mantle was Archie's.  Josie was more aligned to Archie and Betty Cooper, so her rival in her world was Alexandra Cabot, seen here.  It was not until recently that I made this connection between the Stephanie March character, and Alexandra from the Josie series.

I do come up with the strangest things, sometimes, don't I, girls?  You never know just where I am going to go.

In the corresponding universes, I wanted to be Veronica in the Archie world, and Josie in hers.  I thought Josie was the prettiest, and besides it was HER comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even then, darlings, even then!



  1. Definitely wanted to be Josie.
    AND Veronica!!

  2. Victoria,
    They were the best in the Archie
    universe. Betty was certainly pretty,
    but, well, Veronica had that cash!
