Thursday, August 4, 2022

How To Act Like Anna Wintour When One Is Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The biggest obstacle facing this challenge is getting out of the bed in the morning.  ANNA notedly arises at 5AM.  I arose at 5;30AM during my working years, but since those ended, I have been rising rather late.  Yes, the day does go faster, sometimes I wish I had more time, but the important thing is I get things done.

                                        Even more important is having goals.  If I have blog posts to write that day, I prioritize them.  If I have a book so close to the end it can't wait, I will finish that first.

                                          But, even before that, medication.  I take my Levothyroxine, wait a half hour, then take my Cardizem, and start breakfast.  I dive for the coffee, first, because like ANNA, we were both born in November, and coffee is crucial!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I always drink it out of my "Song Of Bernadette" cup.  I also have oatmeal and blueberries almost every morning. Of course, I share these with Baby Gojira and Little Pippin.

                                            After taking my Met Formin, I head to the computer desk if I am writing and begin doing so.  I usually write till noon, then take some time off, bathe and dress, and pick up wherever I left off.  As far as summer fashions, hons, it is what makes you most comfortable.  A stylish T-shirt with some shorts and/or comfortable long pants will certainly get you somewhere.

                                               I answer and send out emails, field phone calls that need to be addressed, and sometimes go for an exercise walk, when the temperature is not steaming, as it is today.  I walked yesterday.  And meeting David at the restaurant tonight will be a walk in itself.

                                                   Which all goes to say that, while I may not be ANNA, I feel I am disciplined enough, and get things done, like she.  

                                                       ANNA, darling, call me before things get busy.  I could use a visit to Balthazar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You’re fine, us retired folks have Earned the right to sleep in!!
    In some ways, we are even More productive than when we were working!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You are so right on the second part! I feel
    I get more done. So much of working was
    getting up, ready, and traveling.
