Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Why Are Adults Not Allowed To Have Pastimes?????????????????????

                                           Of course, all you girls on here know I am an omnivorous reader.  I am already up to number 72, at a goal of 100, so it looks like I will make, and possibly break, that.

                                               But when I think about other pastimes--which I had, and still sometimes would like to do--I get frustrated.  Sure, I can do Solitaire or Jigsaw Puzzles online, but it is not as fun as hands on.  Neither are computerized board games.

                                                 Would you believe in our house we do not have a single deck of cards?  Growing up in Highland Park, New Jersey, there were always several lying around--my grandmother was a rabid Solitaire player, and my parents were products of the Fifties Bridge Club era.  So, I had plenty of time to learn card games, and, when older, build houses, which was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Sometimes, I wish I had not gotten rid of some of my board games.  I used to play them by myself when young.  Now, with David here, think of the fun to be had.  Along with Baby Gojira, and Little Pippin.  But board games and jigsaw puzzles, especially the latter, take up space.  Which causes problems. Games, in an adult lifestyle, do not allow for constant picking up and putting away.

                                                         Often, my niece and nephews have told me the two things I wish I had kept.  Not only because they were fun, but because they would make great decoration pieces for Halloween.

                                                            What are they?

                      "The Hootin' Hollow Haunted House--"Created by the Marx Toy Company, and given to me on my 9th birthday, this was a medal structure, wonderfully decorated, with buttons, which the picture does not shown, which, when pressed, made the house shake, a ghost appear at the window, a cat, the skeleton popping up out of the chimney, and, my favorite, the spooky sound.  Everyone loved this toy, and I wish now I still had it!


                                              The "Bats In The Belfry" Castle--This was a game put out by Matel, the following year, when I was about 10.  This plastic castle had skulls to press down, because atop the tower was a huge circular stand on which to place a series of plastic bats.  The stand was pushed down--I forget when the skulls were pressed--but eventually the bats would fly off when the stand arose, fly into the air, and players had to catch them with plastic monster claws. Whoever caught the most bats was the biggest monster.

                                               This was a great favorite in my house, for years!  Now, I wish I had the castle and bats, because wouldn't it make the most simply divine Halloween decoration???????????

                                                   Pleasures and pastimes.  Enjoy them where and while you may!


  1. I want Both of them!
    Especially hootin hollow!
    Perhaps on ebay?!!

  2. Victoria,
    E-bay would be a route to go.
    But they still wouldn't be the same
    as the ones I owned. Would I had known
    back then!
