Thursday, August 4, 2022

I Have Said It, And Will Do So Again--When Will Men Be Allowed To Embrace And Wear Color??????????????????????

                                          Face it, dolls, the "Mad Men," 'Grey Flannel Suit' era is over.  Oh, sure, Wall Street likes to perpetuate it, but fuck them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe if men were given a little more fashion freedom--I would kill for that T-shirt!!!!!!!!!!--and dress themselves up a little, work culture would be affable, and yes, gender fluidity needs more acceptance, especially in the (again, fuck you!) corporate sector.

                                              Designer Christopher John Rogers, at least judging from these creations, understands this, so why can't more do so?  Why are so many men--straight and gay--afraid to dress in colors that reflect a sense of style, rather than some gloomy black or navy-blue suits making them look like they are auditioning for "Bleak House?"

                                                Or should I say Bleek House?  Because men who are still dressing like the other eras, by doing so, are forcing continuity of them and not design advancement.  I want to see some of you boys out there--and you all know who you are--change your look and see how much it will change your attitude.

                                                   For those who can't, well, then this question is just unanswerable--

                                                   Why are some men so dumb?????????????????


  1. So unfair
    Wear your bright, multicolored garments with Pride I say!!
    Hello Gorgeous!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am going to do my darndest. It will be
    my mission!
