Thursday, August 4, 2022

So, Girls, Tell Me Your Answer To This Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Both are crummy movies, but, having seen them both, my answer would be "The Giant Claw."  Sure, he has size, and a wingspan covering more area than any other flying object--except maybe Rodan!!!!!!!!--but close-up, he not only looks like the puppet he is, but his face has an almost friendly, comical look, like someone in a Warner Bros. cartoon.

                                         "Reptilicus" is genuinely violent and creepy, especially with that yellow glop spewing from his mouth.  However, his poster is actually better than the entire movie, and, girls, I am telling you, you have to see the scene where he is hauled through Copenhagen on a wheeled dolly!!!!!!  It is one of the cheesiest scenes in this genre's history.

                                             Despite "The Giant Claw" being dumbest, it is actually the better movie.  It has Mara Corday, and a fair amount of tension and suspense.  "Reptilicus," despite all the effort made to make it look good as a film, comes off as strictly sub-par!

                                              Now, let's go have tea, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Why does that remind me of Madam
    Of Wayland Flowers and Madam

  2. Victoria,

    I never thought of that, but you are right!
