Saturday, August 20, 2022

Today Is The National Day Of Pilgrimage Of The French People At Lourdes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       No, girls, I do not watch "The Song Of Bernadette" on this day.  That is strictly reserved for Easter.  Nor do I understand why this date was set for this occasion, as I have no idea how it fits into the Bernadette story.  I discovered this fact in an edition I had growing up of "The World Book Encyclopedia," when its text was the gospel truth.  And maybe it was.  Anyway, I have remembered this date from that point on, and so I commemorate it.

                                        Maybe it was chosen because it ties in so closely to Mary's Feast Of The Assumption, just five days before.  Now, that would make sense, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         When it comes to Bernadette Soubirous, I believe in every accolade accorded to her.  I wouldn't be as good a person as I am, were it not for Bernadette.  So, hats off to Mary and Miss Soubirous.

                                            Because Sainthood nets one more than an Oscar, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Here is Bette Midler's "Song Of Bernadette."  Very fitting for this day.  But very different from Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sadly we were the last generation to grow up with World Book
    Or ANY encyclopedia.

  2. Victoria,

    Were we really? I never thought of it.
    I had the World Book, but I also used
    the Brittanica during my early school
