Sunday, August 7, 2022

With All Facing Us Ahead In August, I Really Crave A Screening Of "Gone With The Wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Anna Wintour--yes, darlings, ANNA!--said Scarlett O'Hara was the most fashionable woman in literature, and I agree.  I also disagree with those who would ban this film forever from the film screen.  And there is no need to.

                                       To those offended by this story, I understand.  But they have an option--simply stay away from it.  This is the same issue I had with Mart Crowley's "The Boys In The Band."  I saw William Friedkin's 1970 film adaptation, and later, in the nineties, a revival, with actor David Drake, at the Lucille Lortel Theatre, on Christopher Street.  Both times I found it a distasteful experience, denigrating to gays, and offensive to whom I wanted to be.  So, after that Lortel production, I simply avoided the piece altogether.  But that does not mean I stopped those who wished to from reading it or seeing it.

                                          So, why not the same thing with "Gone With The Wind?"  It is a story of survival, after all, and I need that strength right now. I mean, the above scene, with the brilliant Vivien Leigh, is what got me through adolescence!  The Cancel Culture Movement is wrong.  People always have the option of avoiding what offends them, so simply do it.  But don't deprive those who admire something for altogether different reasons from enjoying something they cherish.

                                           Yes, we have the DVD.  Yes, we can watch that anytime we want.  But, having seen this on the big screen, there is no going back.  There is no other way to enjoy it.

                                             I mean, do I now have to travel to Atlanta, and visit the "Gone With The Wind Museum" just to see this film?

                                             As Mammy told Scarlett, "Savanah would be better for you!"


  1. “People always have the option of avoiding whatever offends them”
    THANK YOU!!!

  2. Victoria,
    And thank you for getting my point.
    Why should one group deprive others of
    what is enjoyed, for all sorts of reasons
    that may not have anything to do with their
    issues at hand?
