Wednesday, September 14, 2022

100 Years Tonight, Darlings! One Hundred Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Maybe this is where my interest in true crime developed.  A century ago, along this road--which used to be De Ruse's Lane but is now Franklin Blvd.--on this very evening, the Hall-Mills murder took place.

                                       I heard all about this growing up, as my parents and relations were all children when it took place.  Reverend Hall and Mrs. Mills were found, two days later, under a crabapple tree, their throats cut and slit.  It had been known throughout the community that the two were carrying on a lurid, adulterous affair.  In 1922 New Brunswick, New Jersey!  Just across the Raritan River, from my hometown of Highland Park.  Nothing like this had ever been heard of, until then!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         It remains a cold case.  Mrs. Mills, and her special needs brother, Willy Stevens, were said to be responsible, but were acquitted, perhaps due to the felt that Mrs. Mills' family owned a growing company in New Brunswick called Johnson and Johnson.

                                         My paternal grandmother, who was something of a Scarlett O'Hara, like me, always felt Willy Stevens did it, and I have to agree with her.  Now it may never be known, since all the players are gone, and JandJ would not want to have the image of their precious company tarnished.

                                          So, tonight, as I lie awake in Brooklyn, I will be thinking what ghosts walk along the remnants of the murder scene tonight.  Are the victims still crying out for justice?  Will it ever be served.

                                             The tale goes on.  So does my fascination.

                                             And how come this was never covered on ID's "Crimes To Remember?|


  1. You should write more posts about True Crime!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You are right. I am actually planning a post
    on that Coney Island mother who drowned her
