Wednesday, September 14, 2022

If You Can't Be A Party Guest, Be A Party Crasher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I have to confess that my wounds are slowly healing.  The punch in the stomach feels less severe, as do the tears behind my eyes.  I imagine this will improve as each day progresses till time does its work and heals the wound.

But not the memory.

Maybe I neglected to say in yesterday's post that I felt the mother's mother always disliked me because I was not Jewish.  And that the one year David and I missed the Annual Hanukah Party, the invitations stopped coming.  I always loved those parties.  So many candles glowing, with so many beautifully designed candle sets.

Well, this year it is going to be different.  Because I am going to crash that Hanukah party.

I can easily find out when it is, I know where it will be, as I have been there before, so, if I show up, even if I don't get in, one way or another there will be embarrassment, as the hostess will have to explain who those people were, and why they weren't let up.

Never underestimate my cleverness!  Too many people make that mistake!

So, here's to party crashing!  Hanukah is after my birthday, so I will be in a celebratory mood, a year older, and months removed from this hurt, so I will be ready to go.

Or maybe develop some common sense.

In any way, girls, this is how feelings stand now!



  1. Why are people so mean
    And Fake!!
    The hypocrisy is sickening

  2. Victoria,

    Especially, in our case, when I never
    thought it existed. Apparently, I was wrong!
