Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Thank You, Cujo, For Yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Just to remind all, girls, Cujo (real name Ares) is the lovable boxer who lives on 77th Street, near our apartment.  When working I would see him every day on my way to the subway, and David dubbed him "Cujo," so we started calling him that, and I developed a special relationship with him.  He is sweet, affectionate, offering hugs and comfort.

                                    Well, yesterday, as noted, I was feeling bummed out.  David suggested, and some articles I read did, too, that during feelings of exclusion it is best to do something, like take a walk.   So, I did.

                                       I walked through our neighborhood, intending to stop at Cujo's house, hoping I might see him.   I arrived at his house, on 77th Street, and saw the terrace door was open, the curtains gently blowing.  So, I called for Cujo.

                                         Within seconds, he emerged onto the porch and greeted me.  His ears perked up, and he tilted his head. I told Cujo how much I love him, and I talked with him about the situation.  He listened patiently, gave me a loving woof, then stayed with me for a while till I was calm.  Then he went back inside, leaving me feeling so much better.

                                             So, thank you, Cujo, for yesterday.  Some animals are more sensitive to others than people.

                                             And thank God for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am thankful every day for my animal friends.
    They bring so much joy to life and ask so little in return

  2. Victoria,
    That is certainly true. Dexter paid
    a visit to me yesterday, and it really
    brightened my day. And he was happy, too.
