Thursday, September 15, 2022

This Was Supposed To Be A Brilliant Movie! But It Was Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Girls, I have to confess I was looking forward to this film, having heard all about it during my childhood.  The 3-D component was missing, though imagery indicated where and when it might have been used.   The concept of the film actually was brilliant--seeing havoc wreaked by the monster, but only through its eyes.

                                                 The concept failed, because, really, the monster did not wreak enough havoc, and it should never have been shown, because all that was seen was a gloopy, gloppy mess of shapeless blob with one eye, dripping pus like it had conjunctivitis.  Plus, there were too many endless shots of cars speeding back and forth along the same Arizona highway.

                                                    The cast was made up of horror and TV veterans, one of whom was Richard Carlson, best known for "The Creature From The Black Lagoon."  His car journeys back and forth got tedious and taxing.  While there were bosoms, I never guessed the Alison Hayes wannabe was actually Barbara Rush, as Ellen, the supposedly spinster schoolteacher. In later years, I always recalled her as a blonde.  The blonde with the bosoms was June, played by Kathleen Hughes--she can be seen as the one displaying them on an imaginary audience via a 3-D screen in a photo I posted--but she never gets the showcase in the film she got in that photo.  What a waste.  And there was Russell Johnson, in a small role, destined to become the Professor on "Gilligan's Island," and even here he seemed lost without Dawn Wells as Mary Anne.

                                                      Veteran director Jack Arnold should have elicited better results, but these were not up to the film's ambitions.  The same could be said of the dialogue.

                                                         Fortunately, Svengoolie and Kerwyn were on hand to supply some badly needed laughs.

                                                          "It Came From Outer Space?"  The best part was when the ship left Earth, going back to wherever it came from, or had been headed!

                                                          And this is how the message ran," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Somehow it seemed Much Longer than it actually was...

  2. Victoria,
    David and I had the same discussion, and he
    agreed. I got tired of those endless highway
    car shots!
