Thursday, September 15, 2022

Nothing Beats Being Proactive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  And I have decided to be that.  Due to events recently chronicled, I have decided to resign from my old book group and find a new one, even if it means online, and joining the ZOOM crowd.

                                                   But, first, I am going to ask readers out there.  Do any of you have any online book group recommendations?  My interests are Classics and Literary Fiction.  If anyone thinks of something, please post it in the comments.

                                                     I want to interject a bit of irony into all this.  When David and I discussed issues last night, he, having been raised Jewish, told me that since the Bat Mitzvah was during a Saturday synagogue service, anyone could have gone.  Meaning we could have shown up, given our gift, maybe attended the downstairs repast, and then go, skipping the big evening party.  I was ahead of myself with the Party Crasher post.  But there is still Hanukah!

                                                     I will keep looking.  But, girls, if you know of anything, please get back to me.  I need a literary community that values my worth and is worthy of my time.

                                                      And if I have to re-read "Goodnight, Moon," so be it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’ll party-crash with you any time!!
    We’d be the most authentic people there!!
