Friday, September 2, 2022

Girls, Join Us Tomorrow Night, As "Svengoolie" Presents 1972's "Frogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         This film may be at the milestone of fifty years old, but, like "The Killer Shrews" last week, it is the kind of film, where first time viewers have no idea how awful it is, and second time watchers know before beginning how genuinely awful it is going to be.

                                            It is an amphibian version of "The Birds."  Except the frogs in this film don't seem to do anything.  They just multiply, people scream, and that's that.  Now, of course, there is a young Joan Van Ark with that Seventies/Farrah hair style, and a young Sam Elliott, who was hot, even then.  So, this film does offer something for everyone.

                                              But it is slow moving and tedious.  This time around, I am looking forward to the commercial segments, featuring Svengoolie and Kerwyn.

                                                 Still, this is a Saturday night tradition.  So, see you at eight, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I missed it; was at the retirement community with mother.
    It’s a wild crowd over there...


  2. Victoria,
    How wild are they?
    Am surprised they were not watching "Frogs!"
