Friday, September 2, 2022

What A Difference A Fanny Makes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      I have only three criticisms.

                                                       First, the sets are as annoying and cheesy as ever.  Second, the bagels hanging from the costume on "Rat-Tat -Tat-Tat" should have been removed for Julie, as they are unbecoming and insulting.  And last, she is not allowed the big finish to "The Music That Makes Me Dance," which, believe me, she is more than capable of delivering.

                                                        Those things aside, this "Funny Girl," which David and I saw last Saturday, was the one we had hoped for all along.  Not only does Julie Benko, in look, acting and song have the audience believing she is Fanny Brice, but her voice bounces off the back wall.  When she entered, at the top, sat down, and delivered the iconic opening line "Hello, Gorgeous!" with just the right amount of irony and deprecation, the entire audience cheered.  Her "People" made me weep.  And when she hit "Hey, Mr. I am!" on the final section of "Don't Rain On My Parade," the entire audience rose to their feet, giving her a standing ovation until the first act curtain came down.  I have never experienced that in the theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           And something else.  With Julie at the helm, it seems the entire company has been given a shot of adrenalin, since they have someone worthy of working with.  Liz McCartney (no relation to Sir Paul) as Mrs. Brice brought grit, talent, and credibility as a woman running a Lower East Side saloon.  She was believable in a way Jane Lynch never was.

                                                             If only Julie had been given the part permanently.  But those determined to see her, can catch her on Thursday evenings, which she is doing to give Lea Michele a night off.  As for Lea, she may be good, we may be seeing her, but I can tell you one thing right now.

                                                               She could never be as good as Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Catch her, while you can, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. her “dream role” she keeps saying.
    The pressure is ON

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, the pressure is on Lea.
    Let's see how she does, and if she
    behaves. Julie still gets to perform
    the role every Thursday evening.
