Thursday, September 1, 2022

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENCORES Is Going To Be Doing "OLIVER!"

                                          My relationship to this show goes back to my first seeing the 1968 film upon its initial release in New York City.  It is designed to be seen on the big screen, which is why I think it should be revived more often.

                                             ENCORES! is saying this is the first time it has been seen on the New York stage since 1984, and I can attest to that.  Because I saw that production which ran for 17 performances, only two weeks, from April 29 till May 13, 1984.  It was disappointing; Ron Moody, despite originating the role in London, back in 1960, was much better in the 1968 film.  Patti Lu Pone, with that voice, sang well, and had the earthiness, but not the warmth needed for Nancy.  And I was outraged at how "Oom Pah Pah!"  was placed in the show, rather than put to great dramatic advantage in the film.  Even "Who Will Buy?," the number for which I would see this show anytime, was lacking. The whole cast seemed to be walking through it.  I crashed, instead of hitting the emotional high I was expecting.  Twenty-seven years later, it has left no impression on me.

                                             So, ENCORES! is going to have to listen to me, if they are to get this "OLIVER!" off the ground.  Crucial is casting, and I have the perfect actress/singer to play Nancy--

                                          That is right, girls--Lindsay Mendez!  Now, I know she is doing 'Merrily' early in 2023 at New York Theatre Workshop.  If it does not move, that production ends January 8, leaving Lindsay free to go into "OLIVER!"  Should it extend, and move to a new venue, perhaps Lindsay could take some time off to do this show.  No one can top Shani Wallis, but of all the talent out there, Lindsay is the best choice for Nancy!  Please, ENCORES!, please, do not cast Caissie Levy, which is what I am afraid will happen.  She is not pretty, her voice is too shrill, and how she got to play Fantine I will never understand.  And she was sub-par as Sheila in the 2009 revival of "HAIR."  Allison Case saved that one!

                                             The other thing that MUST be done is to rework the book, so that "Oom! Pah! Pah!" is placed where it is in the film and used the same way.  Without this, the show will not work, and I will explain, in a future post.  As well as badger some at ENCORES! with emails.

                                                  "Who Will Buy?" If this production of "OLIVER!" does not get the professional care it deserves, the answer is nobody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Let's see what happens, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I DO think Caissie is pretty, however I have to agree with you on Everything else!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am just excited for the opportunity
    to maybe see a good stage production of
    "Oliver!" If you think she's pretty, that\s
    fine with me. But the minute I heard this
    was going to be done, I thought of Lindsay
    for Nancy!
