Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Covid Chronicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Whether this turns out to be one post, or a series of them remains to be seen.

                                          All I can tell you is that on Saturday, David mentioned feeling a bit tired.  Nevertheless, we went about our business, doing our Saturday errands, and watching "Svengoolie."  The next morning, he was notably feeling worse, but thought he was coming down with a cold.  The morning went on, and he said he thought we should be tested for Covid.  Now, this was David, whom I practically have to drag to a doctor, saying this, so I took it seriously.

                                             We went to City MD on 87th and Fourth Ave. in our neighborhood, and the environment, and service was superb.  We both had rapid and PCR tests.  Both rapids came back negative.  But, yesterday, we found out David's PCR came back positive, while mine was normal.  I don't think I am out of the woods yet, but so far am holding my own.

                                               How did Covid strike our home?  Through our friend, Judy, who went to the event we were not invited to.  However, we saw her only two days after said event, so it could not have been there.  I am convinced Judy arrived in NYC as a carrier and passed it on.  At the same time last night, she messaged us her positivity.  She also notified the hostess of the event, who said no one else had reported back with Covid.

                                               Both of us are isolating as much as possible.  Next Sunday, we will go back and test again.  The good thing is being vaxed we are not flat on our backs.  And who knows if I will get it?  I let my doctors know, and they said there are cases where one member gets it, and the other does not.  Time will tell, darlings.

                                               Any further events will result in a series. But for now, that is all, darlings.

                                             An Unfriendly Visitor, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh dear, praying that he recovers quickly and that YOU are spared!!

  2. Victoria,

    Thank you for your comfort and support!
