Tuesday, September 20, 2022

"They Say That All Good Things Must End, Someday! Autumn Leaves Must Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Yes, darlings, today is the real last day of Summer.  That magical season of childhood nostalgia for us oldsters, and fun time for the younger set is sailing away.  Meaning Proserpina is packing her things to return to Hell tomorrow.

                                           And what a Summer it has been.  Seeing "The Minutes," not to mention "Funny Girl," a second time, when Julie Benko showed how the role of Fanny Brice should be played and that it is possible for someone not BARBRA to do so.

                                              David also had bilateral hernia surgery but came through. And I have recovered myself from the event I chronicled earlier on here.

                                               As the new season approaches, and the year winds down, all I can say is thanks to all of you out there.  And Books--I have to read, Read, READ!!!!!!!! to keep up with what is coming in, not to mention the lists coming in. 

                                                  The Fall should be busy and productive.

                                                   I thought I might have needed another viewing of "Promising Young Woman," but that has passed, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     See you in the Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



  1. Yes!! I KNEW a non-Barbra could do it!!
    Julie is Something Else!!!!!!

  2. Victoria,

    She is, and she has been signed to star in a show
    of her own next season. Looking forward to that.
