Thursday, October 6, 2022

Girls, I Am Telling You, You Have GOT To See "Karen Black Like Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  This was a 1997 short film, running between 15 and 16 minutes, which I saw on YouTube.  It is a takeoff on the segment "Amelia," from 1975's "Trilogy Of Terror," (and based on Richard Matheson's 1969 short story, "Prey") wherein a repressed, mother dominated woman, played by Karen Black, buys, for her anthropologist boyfriend, a Zuni fetish doll, about several inches tall, with a gold chain and a spear.  This is the most beloved and famous story in the lot and is sometimes commonly referred to as "the voodoo doll story."  I shall discuss that one another time.

                                    Now, "Karen Black Like Me" takes the whole thing to camp extremes.  Now, let us get something straight.  That pic may look like today's aged Liza Minnelli, but it is not.  You know who that is, darlings?  That is Anita Gillette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know; you would hardly recognize her, right?  She delivers by far what is the best line in the film-- "I don't know what the Hell's gotten into you, Emil, but if you're not at that theater by seven-forty-five, I am gonna have your balls for breakfast."

                                       Emil is a mother-dominated, repressed gay man.  He says he goes to the gym to exercise, but really?  He is so ashamed he puts his underwear under his pants in a sequence I would find impossible to coordinate.  Either Emil is embarrassed by his physical inadequacy, or he is afraid he will become aroused.

                                         There is no boyfriend, but Emil does receive an unknown gift from a hunky looking postman.  It turns out to be a huge dildo.  Which then goes on to menace Emil in almost the same fashion as Karen Black in the earlier film.  The dildo does squirt a facsimile of you-know-what, and it makes odd sounds, voiced by actor Reed Birney!  Yes, the Reed Birney, who was so good as Ann Dowd's husband in the recently seen "Mass" (2021).

                                            The ending does not live up to the original.  Emil, in a fashion, now gets what he wants, but the film leaves out the impending revenge on mother, which Karen Black is going to clearly dish out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Oh, and there is a homage to Karen. When Emil throws the dildo from him, and against the wall, it bumps into a picture of Karen Black, which falls to the floor!

                                                Girls, this has to be seen, to be believed!

                                                 It could be your biggest laugh of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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