Monday, October 3, 2022

I Want To Dance On The Bar Table, And Wear That Dress, Like Shani Wallis In "Oliver!"

                           I am telling you, girls, "Oom- Pah- Pah" is one of the best musical numbers captured on film.  The dramatic tension, and the way it builds to use as a dramatic device is a one of the pleasures of musicals, as I have posted before.

                           But now I am confessing, since I have been practicing singing "Oom-Pah-Pah!" over the last several weeks--David can attest to that--I want to wear that red dress, and dance on the bar table, singing and dancing like Shani Wallis.  

                               There was never a better Nancy than she, but I have got to try my hands at it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And if I do, I hope you will have a drink, and join in!

                        Here is that memorable moment, darlings!  I can't wait to do it for all of you!


  1. I was just dancing on a table the other day!
    A low table but still!!
    I say let’s do it while we can!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Good for you! I agree with you.
    I am still trying to find the right table!
