Thursday, October 6, 2022

If I Get To London A Second Time, I Want To Visit "The Nancy Steps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



                                           I did not even know about them, back in 2006--hey, that is 16 years ago! --when there the first time. Their literary heritage is strong, but you could say they are to London what "The 'Exorcist' Steps" are to Georgetown, MD, and the USA.

                                            But wait, a point bears repeating.  I would not be doing due diligence as a good Dickensian if I did not elaborate.  People who think they know the story of "Oliver Twist" think the steps by London Bridge is where Bill Sikes killed Nancy.  After all, she was trying to deliver Oliver to his benefactor, Mr. Brownlow, either his uncle or grandfather, depending which interpretation one goes with.

                                                I think the mystique of the London Bridge comes from the Lionel Bart musical, "Oliver!," immortalized in the 1968 film.  Nancy's murder does indeed take place by steps near London Bridge.  However, in the original novel, and the 1948 David Lean film, Nancy is bludgeoned to death by Bill Sikes while in her residence, and not while trying to help Oliver escape.  Whether Sikes suspects something and kills her in her home is something I will have to discover by re-reading the novel, which I intend to do, or watching the Lean film again.

                                                   Personally, I prefer the London Bridge scenario.  It has a wonderful theatricality, and there is a poignance about it.  So, I have just GOT to see these steps next time I cross the pond, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     After all, some may fancy me a "Nancy boy!"