Friday, October 28, 2022

Now, In MY Day, This Was The Gay Pick-Up Line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Remember, fifty years ago, in the 1972 film, "The Godfather," when Sonny beats his sister's abusive husband, Carlo?  Sonny's opening lines in the film were, "Hey, you!  C'mere!  C'MERE!"

                                 I don't know if this applied to many of my orientation, but, for me, this was my pick-up line.  As you can tell, by reading on here of my spinster years, it didn't exactly work, but it seemed like forever before I gave up using it.  Briefly, I thought about using the garbage can, the way Sonny did, but then I was not nearly as hot as James Caan, back in the day, and it was just an affectation on my part.

                                  But how times have changed.  Use this line to anyone, and it is taking one's life into one hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This film has stood the test of time.  Remember, pick-up lines don't!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I never saw the movie, but I did read the book.
    When I was probably far too young to be reading such a book!!
    My father’s name was Vito.

  2. Victoria,

    Are you of Italian descent?
    The best cuisine. I read the book,
    saw the movie, but none of the
    follow-ups. The original said all
    I thought needed to be said.
