Friday, October 28, 2022

Who Has To Be Gay Anymore????????????????? Now, We Can All Become Image Consultants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Now, I am just as proud of being The Raving Queen, as I can be, but, again, "The Golden Girls" did raise a point.  This was on the episode where Blanche and Dorothy were roped in by Rose to do a show about women who live together, only it turns out to be about lesbians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         These two, Pat on the right, Kathy on the left, identify themselves as "image consultants," even though they are as Sapphic as can be.  When questioned by Dorothy, the butch Pat speaks up, "we don't believe in labels."

                       So, now, in addition to being a queen, and a blogger, I am an image consultant!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't I always given my readers great fashion advice???????????????????

                        Labels are getting so out of hand, these days.  So, take a cue from Pat and Kathy.

                         If in a so-called alternative lifestyle, (is that term even acceptable today?) simply say you are an image consultant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          You won't believe the business you get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My husband saw a lady in a leather jacket and crew cut and said she looked butch.
    Isn’t that an insult?
    I would never talk like that, in case it might hurt someone‘a feelings.

  2. Victoria,
    It depends on the person. Some might
    take it as a compliment. However, I would
    never utter such a phrase within hearing of
    said person. I would keep the opinion to
