Friday, November 18, 2022

"All Those Glittering Years.........!"

                               Yes, darlings today is the culmination of Musical Theater Week.  Today I am 68.

                                At least, I am saying that now.  Technically I don't turn that till 11;45 PM, when I made my entrance into the world; nevertheless, today is November 18, and it is my birthday, so I am 68.

                                And that is the truth.

                               Yes, I have already sung and danced "Who's That Woman," as pictured above.  And I am honored to share this day with one of "Follies'" original cast members, pictured above--Dorothy Collins.  Maybe that's why I have a penchant for musical theater.

                                  Of course, dears, there are some days and birthdays I wish I could relive.  But, as Thornton Wilder showed in "Our Town," it is never the same.  So, I look ahead to the future.

                                  Like tonight, when David and I will go to our favorite special occasion place, Positano, on 101st Street and 4th Avenue in Bay Ridge, and have a scrumptious meal I have been waiting for.  And open my birthday cards with him.

                                    I feel pretty lucky having gotten this far, achieving what I have.

                                    Wish the same to all of you, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And here is the original "Who's That Woman," from "Follies," back in 1971.  Let's all dance it, girls!  If I can do it, you can!

                                 Love to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. that cheery, weary woman
    dressing for yet another spree!!
