Sunday, November 20, 2022

Dexter Sent Me Birthday Greetings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Dexter is resting at his Connecticut place, and doesn't he look happy?

                                   He made sure I was, by sending this picture for my birthday.  Sweet and happy Dexter.  So thoughtful and loving.

                                    How I would love to have a party some time with Dexter.  He would be the best-behaved guest, I bet.

                                    But he sends birthday greetings to me, and love to you all.

                                    Love you, Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We certainly Do love you, Dexter!!
    Greetings from the Adams cats and dogs !!!!

  2. Victoria,

    Dexter appreciates the greetings.
    He seems so happy in that room, by himself.
