Monday, November 21, 2022

Darlings, If You Are Going To Have An Attractive Estate, There Must Be Peacocks Present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                         I know, I know, they are nasty, they are dirty, and they smell, but just look at that tail spread.  Any estate owner worth his salt has to have several of them running around.  It gives the home a sense of elan during the day; when the sun goes down, have the animal keeper you hire keep them in a penned environment during the night hours.

                         And en francais,  dears, Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and wouldn't it be nice for a change, at least for one year, to give those turkeys a break; I mean by now their anxiety must be higher than mine.  Instead, serve a gourmet peacock, spread out on a dish, but make sure the tail is attached to the right location, to give the feast an extra air of elegance


                       Here is an elegant setting for estate owners, to serve a delicious, elegant looking roast

                        Cut those turkeys some slack for a change, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I have a funny clip of my grandson chasing a peacock
    Then the tables turn and the peacock starts chasing HIM!!
    Hey, we told him do Not chase the animals!!
    Sometimes kids have to learn the hard way

  2. Victoria,
    How I would love to see that clip!
    But that is just what peacocks do.
    They are beautiful, but they are nasty.
    And I think the males are those with the
    gorgeous tail feathers. Not so the females.
