Friday, November 4, 2022

As Far As I Am Concerned, It Is All About Patti Lu Pone And The Tarot Cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        "AHS: NYC" is God awful.  It should be called "AHS: ASS."

                          The whole thing bothers me because it does a disservice to the gay community.  I lived in New York during this era, and while some depictions are pretty accurate, viewers not acquainted with these times, or the gay scene, or gays in general, will end up thinking two things about gays--they are sexual predators, and they are serial killers.

                            It is true all hormonal gay men then sought action.  Even I ventured into some clubs in the East Village, near all the shooting galleries, but let me tell you, that was not my scene.  As I found out. I also had sense enough to stay away from places like The Ramble and The Piers.  And I was careful about what I did with whomever.

                               Of course, all of Ryan Murphy's gays are picture perfect.  Not all of us really were.  Joe Mantello makes a good case, looking like an old curmudgeon, but his take on Larry Kramer borders on the ludicrous, and is extremely annoying.  The real Kramer got on one's nerves, but his passion was genuine.  Mantello's Gino is a twit, who I wish would vanish.

                                  Then there's hot Russell Tovey, as the Great Big Closet Case.  Remember, I have said before these are the most dangerous gays of all.  Is he ever going to really come out?  I do not think so.

                                     What Ryan Murphy has done is project an image of gay life feared by most non-gays, like folks in the Midwest.  It justifies every negative thought they have had about gay men.

                                       I personally am offended by this season.  If it keeps getting worse, that is it for me and AHS.

                                        For those not understanding of gays, but wishing to be, talk to one.   And listen.

                                          You just may be surprised, contrary to Ryan Murphy, that we are individuals, and not people divided into social categories.  If we are a community, why focus on its common fragmentation?

                                             This season of AHS just does not make sense.  Get your act together, Ryan, or your little enterprise will go down the tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. a Community. Made up of Individuals.
    Shouldn’t be a hard concept to grasp, I don’t think.
    Yes, it’s entertainment.
    But some people Believe that stuff.

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, and it is those people
    I worry about.

  3. I my dear have been a longtime fan of the series and couldn't agree more with your assessment. Just as we start getting good, roles and movie to depict our community, AHS goes and does this. Thanks heavens Pose was wonderful. I guess that drained Murphy temporary. I think the show has not been consistently entertaining since AHS Hotel,after that season, it's been hit or miss for me dear.

  4. Mistress Maddie,

    I am with you, but I liked "Red Tide."
    Sarah Paulson I loved as Hypodermic Sally. And that
