Monday, November 7, 2022

What Is Up With Sister Camille D'Arienzo???????????????????

                                 David and myself, and many New Yorkers I am sure, were disappointed this past Sunday morning when, at 8:35AM, Sister Camille's weekly broadcast did not take place. Waiting to see if it eventually would, we were completely disappointed.  Not only that, but no explanation was given.

                                  What is also up with 1010WINS?  It is unprofessional to not tell listeners why Sister Camille was not reporting that week.  David and I were very concerned.  Are health issues involve?.  If so, I think viewers should be told, so that we might send get well cards to Sister Camille.

                                      I hope she will be with us next week.  I am counting on it.  If she is not, then the station owes its listeners an explanation.  It is the right thing to do.

                                       And I am sure Sister Camille would agree!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        We love you, Sister C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We certainly do love you and Need you sister!!
    Oh I meant to ask you, I read there was a Monastery in Bay Ridge!
    There was a whole article about Bay Ridge!!
    A Monastery, a “gingerbread house”, an abandoned tunnel, a butterfly garden...
    Sounds like a neat area!!!

  2. Victoria,
    May she return this Sunday.

    The monastery you refer to is a convent hidden
    behind a wall, with a cloistered order of nuns,
    who take a vow of silence. From Ridge Blvd., one can see
    the church, which is beautiful, and has a statue of the
    children beholding Our Lady Of Fatima.
    Now the abandoned tunnel is somewhere under Owls Head
    Park. I know the park; it is near us, but I have never
    seen the tunnel. I will try and find out for you.
