Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every turkey surviving has a right to be angry on this day.  So many of their ancestors adorning tables today, only to be devoured in an almost cannibalistic way.  See why I suggested peacocks as an alternative, girls?????????????

But it is going to be a low key one, here.  How I long for the days when the black-and-white "Miracle On 34th Street" would be shown, as well as the 1934 black-and-white "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" starring Laurel and Hardy, and, best of all, the Boogeymen in Boogeyland.  How I would LOVE to visit Boogeyland.

Oh, and some advice for those having big festivities.  If anyone comes to the table looking like Marjorie Taylor Greene, or spouting her rhetoric, simply get up and move to another room, even if it means eating on a table tray.  Does anyone remember those?

So, a Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.  Oh, I forget to mention--I have Covid.  I was diagnosed on Tuesday and have been home since.   I have no idea how this happened, and, with David now working from home, my access time on here is limited.  I need to write more about Svengoolie, The 100 Most Notable Books Of The New York Times, and, of course, chronicle my experiences in "The Covid Chronicles."  I promise to get all this done.

So, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Meanwhile, here is the perfect intro to the holiday season--the 1968 number from "Promises, Promises," called "Turkey Lurkey Time."  The dancers are Baayork Lee--watch her leaps! --Margo Sappington, and yes, Donna McKechnie.  This was when Donna first broke out of the chorus to emerge as the showstopper she would go on to become.  Check those head rolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Happy, Happy, girls!  And wish me well soon!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Oh man those neck snaps!!
    Hurts to watch! What a workout!!

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed! I should do such a workout.
    I bet Donna and Baayork still can.

  3. maybe not at quite that frenetic pace, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they
