Friday, November 25, 2022

Girls, Let's All Send A Get Well Wish To Blythe Danner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                         Darlings, I was shocked, absolutely shocked, to learn earlier this week that one of our great American actresses, and glamorous class acts, Blythe Danner, has been struggling for over a year with oral cancer.

                           Gasp!  What's more, this is the same ailment that took her husband, Bruce Paltrow , back on October 3, 2002.  Can you believe it has been twenty years?  And Bruce was only 79.

                              Blythe, looking gorgeous, is persevering.  The cancer was found, like her husband's, in one of the salivary glands.  She did not tell the children till recently, because she did not want to worry anyone.  Understandable, but I hope Blythe had someone to accompany her to and from treatments.  Or the hospital if that was required.

                               To think such a thing could happen to such a beloved icon.  But Blythe will prevail, and she will be back to acting, soon .

                                 Meanwhile, I have some posts to get back to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I too was shocked.
    And the Exact Same rare cancer?!!
    We do try to protect our children.
    Sadly, it’s simply not possible, and as adults, they deserve to be kept in the loop.

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, yes, the kids don't need to be blindsided.
    I admire Blythe for dealing with something so shocking
    and unexpected in such a positive, proactive way. A
    good example for us all.
