Friday, November 25, 2022

The Night The Lights Went Out--And Not In Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Darlings, like the above photo, our Thanksgiving was perfection.  We caught some of the performers on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and even saw Santa arriving.  Now, the holiday season is officially underway.

                         We ate a delicious turkey meal at 5PM.  By 5:30,  we were finished, and I got the brilliant idea, it being a holiday, of seeing if anything special was on worth watching.  Well, my time was fortuitous, because I discovered that, at 6PM, my all-time favorite film, 1939's "The Wizard Of Oz" was to be shown.  Having only seen it last June on screen, for the Judy Garland Centennial, I could certainly stand another viewing; besides, it would distract me from the Covid, which has tried to take hold of my body, but thanks to vax, I am winning out.

                           David and I settled in, and the film worked its magic.  I mean, it is perfect!  And, of  course, when Judy Garland sang "Over The Rainbow," I cried real tears.  And cheered for Toto, when he escaped Miss Gulch's basket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Suddenly, just after the Wizard instructs them to bring him the broomstick of the Witch Of The West, and Bert Lahr does that brilliant dive, the screen went blank.  Damn!  It is a wonder I did not have a shit hemorrhage.   Of all movies for this to happen to, "The Wizard Of Oz!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Things got even more scary when David pointed out, that not only did we have no television, we had no electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Everything was down; and it was only our apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why??????????  I would like to know that!  Fortunately, David succeeded in reaching the superintendent, and, within an hour we were functioning again.  Thank God!  I mean, we had lit candles, were using flashlights, all battery operated, plus how would we charge our cell phones, or make coffee the next morning.  Going to the bathroom in the dark?  I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   See how dependent we are on modern technology, girls?  How would we do our hair in the morning????????????

                                    Fortunately, that would not happen, and we have been fine since.  But Baby Gojira, his nurse practioner assistant, Pippin and Kerwyn, our rubber chicken, who watched with us, were disappointed.  They had never seen the film before, and were really into it.  I told them I would look to see if more screenings are popping up this weekend.

                                       If any out there know of one,  let me know.


  1. During Wizard of Oz?!!!
    Oh No, that is Unacceptable.
    ‘Twas the wicked witch, don’t you know...

  2. Victoria,
    I wouldn't be surprised. Of all
    the movies for this to happen during.
    Thank God it was resolved quickly or we
    would have lost everything in the fridge.
