Wednesday, November 16, 2022

This Is The Biggest Day Of Musical Theater Week! So, Let's Start By Celebrating The Greatest Showstopper In Broadway History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Happy Birthday today to Donna McKechnie, who age wise is somewhere between 78 and 82.  It hardly matters, as Donna could go on tonight and do exactly what she did, back in 1975.  And wouldn't that be a glory to see?

                                    I am sure all on here wish Donna a glorious birthday, and that she has all the fun today that she deserves.  Do something in Donna's honor dears--a dance step, listening to one of her cast albums or solo recordings, or just thanking God she and we are here to celebrate her birthday once again.

                                    So, Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to Donna McKechnie.  May she continue to stop every show she is in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Here is Donna in her iconic moment in "A Chorus Line," back in the day.  If you have never seen this, I guarantee it will take your breath away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What’s with the mystery about her true age?
    But you’re right, it really doesn’t matter!!

  2. Victoria,
    Different sources state different ages.
    I believe in her autobiography "Time Steos,'
    she states she was born on November 16,
    1940. Which would make her 82, same age as my
    sister. But I bet Donna could dance ACL tongight!
