Monday, November 14, 2022

What If Alice Had Encountered "Trumpty Dumpty" Instead???????????????????????

                        Alice encounters Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll's "Through The Looking Glass," actually my favorite part among Alice's adventures.  What with Humpty, and the Queen, with painting the roses, and the mallet turning into a flamingo, and the baby, there is plenty of political satire here, so I really don't think it would hurt things if Alice had encountered Trumpty Dumpty instead.

                          It certainly would have commented on our times, and it would have been interesting to hear the dialogue Carroll might have fashioned between them.  Alice, with her common sense, would have put Trumpty to shame; after all, he would have been in Wonderland, where nothing makes sense.  Which is actually the perfect place for him to go.  Maybe he should fall down the rabbit hole.

                             Trumpty is certainly doing a good job of falling.  "All the king's horses, and all the king's men couldn't pit Humpty back together again."  But I always had the impression they might have wanted to.

                                  Not so with Trumpty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Go, Alice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Some of those nursery rhymes were daaark

  2. Victoria,
    You are so right. And 'Alice' is a more
    grown-up book than one would think.
