Friday, December 30, 2022

A Brief Look Back At 2022, Starting With The Theater Queen Story Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          If not the decade, darlings.  I am, of course, to borrow from Joanne Woodward, talking about "The Three Faces Of 'Funny Girl' ", all of whom we saw.

                         First, there was Beanie Feldstein (who??????????) having the disgrace to desecrate the sacred memory of BARBRA STREISAND by opening in this revival, with an also miscast Jane Lynch!  The whole thing was not on its feet.  It tilted--especially with Beanie's lack of suitability for the part.

                        Then came Julie Benko, fresh exciting warm, a great singer and actress, and an unknown.  Watching Julie was theatrical magic, and it was like you-know-who coming up through the ranks all over again.

                        Finally, someone got smart, tossed Beanie and Jane, cast Tovah Feldshuh, whom they should have cast in the first place, and put Lea Michele in Beanie's place.  That last was a hard pill for me to swallow, darlings, but I am telling you, Lea surprised both David and I.  As I said, she hit those final notes on "The Music That Makes Me Dance," making that song soar in a manner unseen since you- know- who.

                        This was the biggest story on Broadway, and its memory will live in years to come.  Maybe someday, a book will come out of it that will tell all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Wouldn't we just love it, girls????????????????????????????????

                          Incidentally, 48 years ago today, I started wearing glasses.


  1. I’ll certainly give Lea her due, however I am Team Julie all the way!!!

  2. Victoria,
    So are we! And the show was given an
    added boost by Tovah!
