Friday, December 30, 2022

How A Doctor's Visit Can Ruin One's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Girls, I am still shaking from all the anxiety induced.

                        Yesterday, I had an appointment with my neurologist, whom I like.  It was for 1PM, as written in my book.  Let's start with no one calling me the day before to confirm.  OK--anyone can make a mistake.  But--

                           I arrived at the office way before my appointed time.  I had books to read, so the waiting was no problem.  But what I began to witness was very disturbing to me, especially as I was the patient. 

                           The office staff was acting like they were in a production of "Noises Off,"--people running around, losing things, finding things, doors opening and closing, an annoyed patient refusing to stay for extra tests, and saying she would schedule by phone, before walking out--what the hell was going on?  Even the doctor, who I like was forced to raise his voice to one of the workers, who was performing incompetently.  Except for the head receptionist, who cordially reminded me my appointment was not till 1:30, --OK, so I could have been mistaken-- no one seemed able to speak English properly enough to be suited for the job.  Others were not picking up phone calls, or simply not answering.  Even the nice MT (a fine young man, girls!) who tests patients seemed irritated with the goings-on.  When he was told to take lunch, he didn't just walk out of there, he stormed out!  This is not like him at all.

                            When I started seeing this doctor his office manager was a woman named Marcie.  She was the best.  She was like a mother to all the patients and would answer questions kindly.  The office ran smoothly when she was there, because she knew what she was doing, and saw the rest were on track.  Well, Marcie retired several years ago, and bit by bit, the office management has gone down the tubes.  

                                As for the doctor he was wonderful, but when I finally got to him, he said I was fine, then launched into a discussion with me about literature--especially Dickens and Woolf.  Now, I love discussing things with him, but he never bothered to examine me, listen to my heart, or any of the general follow up things.

                                  When I go to the doctor, I want to be treated as a patient.  What should I do?  Should I ask my PCP for a referral?  David and I talked it over, and he said I should give it a chance--my next visit is on April 20 or 2023--and if it is worse, then talk to the PCP, and think about it.

                                    Oh, and there is something else.  The fine young man I referred to for testing is almost always there, but when he is not, there is this other guy, whom I am uncomfortable with for two reasons--his hygiene, and sometimes he touches me in an unprofessional manner.  No, he does not go THERE, but it is just not the way a medical professional would touch someone.  The fine young man does not do that.  How should I handle this?  Or should I?

                                   A visit to the doctor, especially a clean bill of health, should not be this upsetting.


  1. Oh dear I am so sorry you had to go through this.
    Makes one lose respect.
    And Trust.
    I’m concerned that you were not evaluated properly.
    or, At All...

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for your concern.
    As I said, things have gotten worse since Marcie
    retied, but never anything like this! I will see
    what happens in April. I may have to make a decision
    after that.
